




Waseven, launched in 2023, represents a groundbreaking initiative in digital environmental activism. Leveraging technology, it connects individuals with significant forest conservation efforts, addressing a crucial need in the environmental space.

Problem Definition

Waseven's development team identified a gap between willing conservation contributors and initiatives needing support. Their research revealed a lack of interactive, user-friendly platforms for forest conservation awareness and support.


Waseven was designed to bridge this gap. Users could fund tree-planting activities, support sustainable initiatives, and educate themselves via immersive virtual reality forest tours, enhancing engagement.

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After development, Waseven underwent extensive testing to ensure usability. Its effectiveness was evaluated post-launch, with the platform successfully raising significant funds, resulting in the planting of over a million trees globally within six months.

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This platform has succeeded in bridging the gap between individuals willing to contribute to forest conservation and the initiatives that desperately need their support. Waseven is indeed transforming the landscape of digital environmental conservation.

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